What Are The Best Base Materials For an Artificial Grass Installation?


With each passing year, artificial grass gains more traction across the western world. Once seen as an inferior substitute to real grass, the material has since won over western home-owners and sports facility managers with its versatility, resilience, and negligible need for maintenance.

Even still, all these qualities will only be appreciable in full if the artificial grass is properly installed – and for that to happen, it is necessary that the right conditions be gathered. A roll of artificial turf laid out over unsuitable ground will not be smooth, pristine and ready for use, but rather lumpy, uneven, ugly and even potentially dangerous Pembekal Rumput.

This is why it is important that, when purchasing a roll of artificial grass, buyers be aware of what requirements must be met when installing the material; and a good first step towards this objective is to know what kinds of materials are best suited for serving as a base layer for the turf.

Like many materials, such as concrete, artificial grass requires an underlay upon which to sit, and this layer must possess a series of characteristics in order to ensure optimal performance for the turf. As such, not just any material will do; rather, certain materials are totally unsuitable for this purpose, while others exhibit certain characteristics which make them particularly adequate. This article lists a few of the latter.


Tarmac is perhaps the best material to use as a base for an artificial grass carpet, due to its porous nature. Base layers should, if possible, be porous, to ensure good drainage and avoid the need to install additional irrigation measures underneath the turf carpet. Tarmac stands out for this particularity, whilst at the same time being firm enough to maintain over time without eroding or otherwise coming apart. This, in turn, ensures the artificial carpet remains even, and that no lumps or recesses form as a result of the base layer eroding or becoming damaged.

Therefore, if at all possible, home-owners or sports club managers should go with tarmac as the material of choice for the base layer over which their artificial grass carpet will be set. If this cannot be done, however, either of the options below might also be suitable.


Asphalt is another good material to use when making an underlying layer for an artificial grass carpet. While not as porous as tarmac is, this material does boast the necessary firmness and consistency to make for a good base for the turf, and ensure it remains evenly smooth for an extended period of time.

In the absence of tarmac, asphalt is, therefore, a suitable replacement to use.


Finally, concrete can also make for a good base for a turf carpet, as it is perhaps the hardest of the three materials detailed in this article. However, it is also the least well-suited for the purpose at hand, as unlike tarmac or asphalt, it does require some extra attention on the part of the installer.

It is necessary, for instance, to ensure none of the hard edges and corners concrete is often characterised by jut out from underneath, or especially through, the artificial grass carpet. Concrete sub-layers should also be sanded down or fitted with a shock pad, so as to soften their hardness, which may otherwise prove uncomfortable for those using the turf.

Even still, if access to tarmac or asphalt is problematic or conditions are not ideal, concrete can make for a suitable replacement, provided precautions are taken.

Regardless of what material is chosen, however, it is important home-owners or sports club managers ensure the essential qualities for a sub-layer for artificial grass – firmness, and if possible porosity – are present; failure to do so might see the installation run into undesirable issues in the short term.